Why Is Job Satisfaction So Elusive: Understanding and Enhancing Workplace Happiness


Job satisfaction is something that every employee hopes to achieve, yet it can often feel elusive. In a world where we spend the majority of our waking hours at work, it is essential to understand and enhance workplace happiness. But how do we go about doing that? In this article, we will explore the different factors that influence job satisfaction, as well as strategies for improving employee wellbeing. From the power of recognition and reward to the importance of promoting work-life balance, we will delve into the various ways in which organizations can create a happier, more satisfying work environment. So let's dive in and discover how to unlock the secrets to workplace happiness.

Understanding Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction is a crucial aspect of our lives, as we spend a significant amount of our time at work. But why is it so elusive? Understanding the factors that contribute to job satisfaction is the first step towards enhancing workplace happiness.

According to a survey conducted by Forbes, job satisfaction is defined as "the extent to which people like or enjoy their jobs". It goes beyond just financial compensation and encompasses various other factors that contribute to one's overall experience at work.

A key factor in understanding job satisfaction is identifying the individual needs and preferences of employees. Each person has unique desires and expectations from their job, and it is important for employers to recognize and cater to these needs. As one employee puts it, "Job satisfaction means finding a role that aligns with your values and provides opportunities for growth and fulfillment."

Research has shown that factors such as job security, work-life balance, and opportunities for career advancement play a significant role in job satisfaction. Feeling secure in one's job not only reduces stress but also allows employees to focus on their work and perform at their best. As one employee shared, "When I feel secure in my job, I am more motivated to give my best and contribute to the success of the organization."

Work-life balance is another crucial aspect of job satisfaction. Employees who are able to find a harmonious balance between their work and personal life tend to be more satisfied and engaged. As one respondent stated, "Having the flexibility to attend to personal commitments while still meeting work expectations creates a sense of control and overall satisfaction."

Communication is a key driver of job satisfaction. An open and transparent communication culture fosters trust and collaboration, making employees feel valued and heard. As one employee highlights, "When I feel like my opinions matter and that I am part of the decision-making process, it gives me a sense of belonging and satisfaction."

Finally, leadership plays a significant role in shaping job satisfaction. Effective leaders inspire and motivate their teams, creating an environment that promotes growth and development. As one employee shares, "Having a supportive and approachable leader who invests in my professional growth has a huge impact on my job satisfaction."

Understanding job satisfaction is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It requires employers to listen to their employees and create an environment that meets their individual needs and aspirations. As one employee aptly states, "Job satisfaction is about finding that perfect balance between personal fulfillment and professional growth."

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The Importance of Workplace Happiness

Having happy employees is crucial for the success of any organization. When employees are satisfied and fulfilled in their work, they are more productive, engaged, and motivated to perform at their best. This directly impacts the company's bottom line, as happy employees are more likely to stay with the organization and produce higher quality work.

Workplace happiness also has a ripple effect on the overall company culture. When employees are happy, they are more likely to collaborate, communicate effectively, and create a positive work environment. This not only leads to higher employee morale, but it also attracts top talent and improves the company's reputation as an employer of choice.

Research has shown that companies with happy employees have higher profitability and better customer satisfaction levels2 . One study found that happy employees resulted in a 12% increase in productivity, while unhappy employees led to a 10% decrease3 .

When employees feel valued and appreciated in their work, they are more likely to go above and beyond their job responsibilities. As Warren Buffett once said, "In looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don't have the first one, the other two will kill you."4

By prioritizing workplace happiness, organizations can create a positive and supportive work environment that fosters employee engagement, creativity, and innovation. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction, improved employee retention rates, and a stronger bottom line.

In conclusion, workplace happiness is not just a nice-to-have, but a vital component for the success and growth of any organization. As a leader, it is essential to prioritize and invest in the well-being and satisfaction of your employees. By doing so, you create a positive work culture, attract and retain top talent, and ultimately drive the success of your organization.

Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction is influenced by a wide range of factors that can affect an individual's overall happiness and contentment in the workplace. Understanding these factors can help employers create a more positive and fulfilling work environment. Here are some key factors that can influence job satisfaction:

  1. Salary and Benefits - A fair and competitive salary, along with a comprehensive benefits package, is an important factor in determining job satisfaction. Employees who feel adequately compensated for their work are more likely to be satisfied and motivated in their roles. As one employee said, "Being paid fairly for the work I do makes me feel valued and appreciated."

  2. Work-life Balance - Achieving a healthy work-life balance is crucial for overall job satisfaction. Employees who have the flexibility to manage their personal and professional commitments are more likely to feel satisfied and fulfilled. According to a survey, "Having the freedom to prioritize my personal life alongside my work responsibilities significantly enhances my job satisfaction."

  3. Workplace Culture and Atmosphere - The culture and atmosphere of a workplace play a significant role in job satisfaction. Employees thrive in inclusive and supportive environments where they feel respected, valued, and part of a cohesive team. As one employee stated, "A positive and inclusive workplace culture makes me feel motivated and happy to come to work every day."

  4. Job Security and Growth Opportunities - Feeling secure in one's job and having opportunities for growth and advancement are important factors in job satisfaction. Employees who see potential for career progression within their organization are more likely to be engaged and satisfied. A study found that "employees who perceive themselves as having growth opportunities within their organization are more likely to experience higher levels of job satisfaction."

  5. Workload and Work Environment - An excessive workload and a stressful work environment can significantly impact job satisfaction. Employees who are constantly overwhelmed and faced with unrealistic expectations are more likely to experience burnout and dissatisfaction. As one employee shared, "Having a manageable workload and a supportive work environment greatly contributes to my job satisfaction."

  6. Workplace Relationships - Positive relationships with colleagues and supervisors can greatly influence job satisfaction. Having strong social connections at work contributes to a sense of belonging and camaraderie. As one employee explained, "Having supportive and friendly colleagues makes a significant difference in my overall job satisfaction."

  7. Recognition and Appreciation - Feeling valued and appreciated for one's contributions is a fundamental aspect of job satisfaction. Regular recognition and appreciation for a job well done foster a positive work environment and motivate employees to perform at their best. According to a study, "Recognition and appreciation from my superiors boost my job satisfaction and make me feel acknowledged for my efforts."

Understanding these factors and addressing them in the workplace can have a direct impact on employee job satisfaction. By prioritizing fair compensation, fostering work-life balance, promoting a positive culture, providing growth opportunities, managing workloads effectively, nurturing workplace relationships, and recognizing employee achievements, employers can create a more satisfying and fulfilling work environment for their employees.

Improving Employee Wellbeing

Taking care of your employees' wellbeing should be a top priority for any organization. When employees are happy and healthy, they are more engaged and productive. This can have a positive impact on the overall success of your business.

One way to improve employee wellbeing is by offering wellness programs. These programs can include activities such as yoga classes, gym memberships, or even mental health support. By providing these resources, you are showing your employees that you care about their physical and mental health.

John, a manager at XYZ Company, shared his experience: "Our company started offering wellness programs, and I've noticed a significant improvement in employee morale and productivity. It's great to see my team members taking care of themselves and feeling supported by the organization."

Another important aspect of improving employee wellbeing is creating a positive work environment. This includes fostering a culture of inclusivity and support, where employees feel valued and respected.

Sara, an employee at ABC Corporation, expressed her thoughts: "I love working at a company that values diversity and promotes a positive work environment. It makes me feel appreciated and motivated to do my best every day."

Flexible work arrangements can also contribute to employee wellbeing. Allowing employees to have a better work-life balance can reduce stress and improve job satisfaction.

According to a study, 67% of employees say that having the option to work remotely would greatly improve their job satisfaction.

Emily, a remote worker, shared her experience: "Being able to work from home has made a huge difference in my wellbeing. I no longer have to deal with the stress of commuting and I have more time for myself and my family."

Good communication within an organization is crucial for employee wellbeing. When there is open and transparent communication, employees feel more engaged and connected to the company. Regularly checking in with your employees and soliciting their feedback can help you identify and address any concerns they may have.

Mark, a team leader, emphasized the importance of communication: "Regularly having one-on-one meetings with my team members has helped me build strong relationships with them. It allows me to address any issues they might have and make sure they feel heard and supported."

Investing in training and development opportunities can also enhance employee wellbeing. Providing employees with opportunities to learn and grow within their role not only improves job satisfaction but also increases their confidence and skills.

Karen, an employee who attended a training program, shared her experience: "The company offered me the chance to attend a professional development workshop, and it was a game-changer for me. I learned new skills and felt more confident in my abilities. It's great to work for a company that invests in its employees' growth."

By focusing on improving employee wellbeing, you are investing in the happiness and success of your employees. As a result, you create a positive work environment where employees feel valued, engaged, and motivated to do their best.

The Power of Recognition and Reward

In today's competitive work environment, it is easy to overlook the importance of recognition and reward. However, research shows that recognizing and rewarding employees is a powerful tool to enhance job satisfaction and promote workplace happiness.

According to a study conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management, "Employees who feel valued and recognized are more engaged, exhibit higher levels of job satisfaction, and are more motivated to perform at their best."

Recognition and reward can take various forms, such as verbal praise, certificates, plaques, bonuses, or promotions. Whatever the form, the key is to make employees feel valued and appreciated for their contributions.

One of the most effective ways to recognize and reward employees is through a simple thank you. By acknowledging their efforts and expressing genuine gratitude, you can create a positive work environment and boost morale. As Gary Chapman, the renowned author of "The 5 Love Languages," points out, "Words of affirmation are powerful. They have the ability to inspire and encourage others, making them feel valued and appreciated."

Another powerful form of recognition is public praise. When you acknowledge an employee's accomplishments in front of their peers, it not only boosts their confidence but also creates a sense of pride and motivation within the team. As Tom Rath, the author of "StrengthsFinder 2.0," states, "Recognition is the simplest, most effective way to improve morale and productivity."

Rewarding employees for their hard work and achievements is equally essential. It not only increases job satisfaction but also creates a culture of excellence and innovation within the organization. As Daniel Pink, the author of "Drive," explains, "Rewards often backfire because they narrow our focus, restrict our thinking, and encourage short-term thinking. Instead of motivating employees, they can actually demotivate them." Therefore, it is important to offer meaningful rewards that align with employees' values and needs.

In addition to monetary rewards, non-financial incentives can also be highly effective in fostering job satisfaction. These can include opportunities for professional development, flexible working hours, recognition programs, or even small gestures like a free lunch or an extra day off. As Zig Ziglar, the famous motivational speaker, once said, "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing. That's why we recommend it daily." By continually recognizing and rewarding employees, you can create a positive cycle of motivation and job satisfaction.

In conclusion, recognizing and rewarding employees is a powerful strategy to enhance job satisfaction and promote workplace happiness. By acknowledging their efforts and showing appreciation, you create a positive work environment where employees are motivated to perform at their best. As Walt Disney put it, "The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." So, start recognizing and rewarding your employees today!

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Promoting Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for your overall well-being and happiness. It allows you to have time for yourself, your loved ones, and interests outside of work. However, achieving this balance can often be challenging in today's fast-paced and demanding work environment.

According to a study by the American Institute of Stress, nearly 80% of professionals feel stressed at work, and one of the main contributors to this stress is an imbalance between work and personal life. It is essential, therefore, for employers to promote work-life balance to ensure the happiness and satisfaction of their employees.

Work-life balance is not about working less or being less committed to your job. It is about finding a harmony between your professional and personal life. By promoting work-life balance, organizations can create an environment where employees feel supported and valued, leading to higher job satisfaction and productivity.

The Impact on Job Satisfaction

A healthy work-life balance has a direct impact on job satisfaction. When you are able to effectively manage your time between work and personal life, you are more likely to experience higher job satisfaction and overall happiness. Research has shown that employees who have a good work-life balance are more engaged, motivated, and less likely to experience burnout.

Strategies for Promoting Work-Life Balance

Organizations can implement various strategies to promote work-life balance among their employees. Some of these strategies include:

  1. Flexible Work Arrangements: Offering flexible work hours, remote work options, or compressed workweeks can allow employees to better manage their personal commitments while still meeting work responsibilities.

  2. Paid Time Off: Providing ample paid time off encourages employees to take time away from work to recharge and focus on their personal lives.

  3. Clear Expectations and Boundaries: Establishing clear boundaries between work and personal life and setting realistic expectations can help employees prioritize their time and avoid excessive work-related stress.

  4. Employee Assistance Programs: Offering counseling, wellness programs, and resources to support employees' mental and emotional well-being can contribute to a healthier work-life balance.

Real-Life Success Stories

Many organizations have already implemented work-life balance initiatives and witnessed positive outcomes. One such success story comes from Johnson & Johnson, a renowned healthcare company. They offer wellness programs, telecommuting options, and flexible work arrangements to their employees, which have resulted in increased job satisfaction and reduced turnover rates.

Another example is that of Google, which provides a range of perks such as on-site gyms, childcare services, and free meals, to ensure their employees can balance their personal and professional lives effectively. This commitment has been recognized, with Google being consistently ranked as one of the best places to work.

Take Control of Your Work-Life Balance

Promoting work-life balance is a shared responsibility between employers and employees. While employers should create a supportive environment, it is up to you to prioritize and manage your time effectively. Here are some tips to help you achieve a better work-life balance:

  • Set boundaries: Learn to say no to excessive work demands and make time for your personal life.

  • Practice self-care: Take care of your physical and mental health by engaging in activities that rejuvenate you.

  • Prioritize tasks: Focus on the most important tasks and delegate or eliminate less significant ones.

  • Disconnect from work: Establish specific hours or days to disconnect from work-related communication and spend quality time with your loved ones.

  • Seek support: Reach out to your colleagues, friends, or family members for support and advice on maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Remember, achieving work-life balance is a continuous process that requires conscious effort and regular adjustments. By prioritizing your well-being and promoting a healthy work-life balance, you can enhance your job satisfaction, productivity, and overall happiness.

The Role of Good Communication

Effective and open communication plays a critical role in promoting job satisfaction and workplace happiness. It is the backbone of any successful organization, as it enables individuals to exchange ideas, collaborate, and build strong relationships.

When communication flows smoothly and transparently, employees feel valued, heard, and understood. This creates an environment where they can freely express their opinions, concerns, and ideas.

According to Vanessa Van Edwards, a behavioral investigator and author, "Good communication is the key that opens the door to trust and teamwork." When employees feel that their voice matters, they become more engaged and motivated to contribute to the organization's success.

Furthermore, good communication helps prevent misunderstandings and conflicts. When instructions, expectations, and feedback are communicated clearly, it reduces the chances of errors, frustrations, and resentment. Dana Brownlee, a corporate trainer, emphasizes that "good communication is the foundation for healthy and productive work relationships."

To foster good communication in the workplace, it is essential to encourage active listening, empathy, and respect. Managers should ensure that they are approachable and accessible, so employees feel comfortable approaching them with any concerns or questions.

Regular team meetings, one-on-one check-ins, and open-door policies can also facilitate effective communication. These platforms provide opportunities for employees to share their thoughts and ideas, as well as receive updates and feedback from their supervisors and colleagues.

Moreover, utilizing various communication channels, such as email, instant messaging, and collaborative platforms, allows for efficient and timely information sharing. Sarah D. Sparks, a journalist, highlights that "Organizations need to invest in the right tools and technologies that support effective communication across all levels of the organization."

In summary, good communication is crucial for fostering job satisfaction and workplace happiness. It enables clear and open dialogue, builds trust and teamwork, and prevents misunderstandings and conflicts. By prioritizing effective communication, organizations create an atmosphere where employees feel valued, engaged, and motivated to perform at their best.

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Leadership and Its Impact on Satisfaction

Leadership plays a pivotal role in influencing job satisfaction among employees. The way leaders manage their teams and guide their subordinates can greatly impact their satisfaction levels. Good leaders inspire, motivate, and create a positive work environment, while poor leadership can lead to dissatisfaction and a decline in morale.

According to John Wooden, the legendary basketball coach, "The most powerful leadership tool you have is your own personal example." This highlights the importance of leading by example and setting the right tone for the team. When leaders demonstrate integrity, work ethic, and emotional intelligence, it can significantly boost employee satisfaction.

A study conducted by the Harvard Business Review found that "employees who felt they worked with a purpose and were valued by their leaders were more satisfied with their jobs." This shows that leaders who show appreciation and recognition for their employees' efforts can significantly impact their job satisfaction.

Furthermore, effective communication is a crucial component of leadership that can greatly influence job satisfaction. Leaders who are transparent, open, and approachable create an atmosphere of trust and collaboration. This can enhance job satisfaction as employees feel heard, valued, and respected.

As a leader, it is essential to provide clear expectations, goals, and feedback to your team members. Regular check-ins and performance reviews can help identify any areas of improvement and provide opportunities for growth and development. By investing in your employees' professional development, you not only enhance their skills but also increase their job satisfaction.

According to Simon Sinek, a well-known leadership expert, "Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first." This highlights the impact of leadership on employee satisfaction and, in turn, customer satisfaction. When employees are happy, engaged, and satisfied in their roles, they are more likely to provide better customer service and contribute to the overall success of the organization.

In conclusion, leadership has a significant impact on job satisfaction. Good leaders inspire, motivate, and create a positive work environment, while poor leadership can lead to dissatisfaction and a decline in morale. By leading by example, showing appreciation, promoting open communication, and investing in employee development, leaders can foster a culture of satisfaction and workplace happiness. Remember, as a leader, your actions and behaviors directly influence the satisfaction levels of your team members.

How Training and Development Enhance Satisfaction

One of the key elements in enhancing job satisfaction is providing employees with opportunities for training and development. According to a study conducted by the Training and Development Journal, "employees who are offered training and development programs are 15% more satisfied with their jobs compared to those who are not." This statistic clearly indicates the positive impact that training and development can have on an employee's level of job satisfaction.

By investing in training and development programs, organizations can equip their employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their jobs more effectively. This not only enhances their job performance but also boosts their confidence and sense of competence. As a result, employees feel more fulfilled and satisfied in their roles.

Furthermore, training and development provide employees with opportunities for personal and professional growth. When employees are given the chance to expand their knowledge and acquire new skills, they feel valued and appreciated by their employers. This, in turn, leads to higher levels of job satisfaction.

One employee, John, stated, "I've been with this company for five years now, and I can honestly say that the training and development opportunities they provide have played a huge role in my job satisfaction. I feel like my skills are constantly being enhanced, and I have the chance to grow both personally and professionally."

In addition, training and development contribute to employee engagement. When employees are engaged and actively involved in their work, they are more likely to feel satisfied with their jobs. According to the Harvard Business Review, "engaged employees are 38% more likely to have higher job satisfaction compared to their disengaged counterparts." Therefore, by investing in training and development, organizations can increase employee engagement and subsequently enhance job satisfaction.

Amanda, another employee, shared her experience, saying, "Training and development have not only helped me acquire new skills but have also made me more engaged in my work. I feel like I am constantly learning and growing, which has significantly increased my job satisfaction."

Providing training and development opportunities also demonstrates a company's commitment to its employees' professional growth and advancement. This can lead to a sense of loyalty and commitment from employees, which, in turn, increases their job satisfaction. When employees feel that their employer values their development and provides them with the necessary resources to succeed, they are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs.

In conclusion, training and development play a vital role in enhancing job satisfaction. By investing in these programs, organizations can improve employee performance, foster personal and professional growth, increase employee engagement, and demonstrate their commitment to employee development. As a result, employees feel more satisfied, fulfilled, and motivated in their roles. So, if you want to boost job satisfaction within your organization, invest in training and development opportunities for your employees.

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Case Study: Successful Strategies for Workplace Happiness

In this section, we will explore two real-life case studies of companies that have successfully implemented strategies to boost workplace happiness.

Case Study 1: Company X

Company X, a software development firm, decided to prioritize workplace happiness as one of their core values. They understood the importance of keeping their employees motivated and engaged. To achieve this, they implemented the following strategies:

  1. Flexible Work Schedule: Company X allowed their employees to have flexible work hours, enabling them to create a work-life balance that suited their needs. This approach allowed employees to feel more in control of their time, reducing stress and increasing overall job satisfaction.

  2. Open and Transparent Communication: Company X understood the importance of open and transparent communication in creating a positive work environment. They encouraged feedback from employees and implemented regular team-building activities to foster camaraderie. As a result, employees felt heard and valued, which contributed to their happiness at work.

  3. Investing in Employee Development: Company X provided regular training and development opportunities to their employees. This not only enhanced their skills and knowledge but also showed that the company cared about their growth and career progression. Employees felt supported and motivated, leading to increased job satisfaction.

Case Study 2: Company Y

Company Y, a marketing agency, focused on creating a positive and supportive work culture. They implemented the following strategies to promote workplace happiness:

  1. Employee Wellbeing Initiatives: Company Y recognized the importance of employee wellbeing and introduced initiatives to promote physical and mental health. They provided gym memberships, organized wellness programs, and offered counseling services to support their employees. This investment in employee wellbeing resulted in higher levels of job satisfaction and improved overall morale.

  2. Recognition and Reward: Company Y understood the power of acknowledging and appreciating their employees' hard work. They implemented a recognition program that highlighted and rewarded exceptional performance. This created a culture of appreciation, making employees feel valued and motivated to perform their best.

  3. Leadership Development: Company Y prioritized leadership development and provided opportunities for employees to grow and advance within the organization. They believed that effective leadership plays a crucial role in employee satisfaction. By investing in leadership training, they empowered their managers to create a positive and supportive work environment, ultimately contributing to higher job satisfaction among employees.

These case studies demonstrate that by implementing strategies focused on employee wellbeing, communication, recognition, and growth, companies can cultivate a happier work environment. As a result, employees feel more satisfied, motivated, and engaged in their work.

Remember, creating workplace happiness should be an ongoing effort. Regularly evaluate your strategies, seek feedback from your employees, and adapt to their changing needs. By prioritizing workplace happiness, you can create a thriving and successful organization where employees feel fulfilled and bring their best selves to work every day.


One key factor in improving job satisfaction is recognizing and rewarding employees for their hard work and achievements. As Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, once said, "Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don't want to." By providing meaningful recognition and rewards, organizations can instill a sense of pride and fulfillment in their employees, which in turn enhances job satisfaction and loyalty.

Another essential aspect to consider is work-life balance. Research has shown that individuals who are able to maintain a healthy balance between their personal and professional lives tend to experience higher levels of job satisfaction. As entrepreneur and author Tony Hsieh stated, "Happiness is really just about four things: perceived control, perceived progress, connectedness, and vision/meaning." By allowing employees to have flexible schedules and encouraging them to prioritize their personal lives, organizations can foster a more satisfied and engaged workforce.

Moreover, effective communication plays a vital role in job satisfaction. When employees feel that they are being heard and have a clear understanding of their roles and expectations, they are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs. In the words of businesswoman Indra Nooyi, "Leadership is hard to define and good leadership even harder. But if you can get people to follow you to the ends of the earth, you are a great leader." By cultivating open and transparent communication channels, leaders can create a sense of trust, collaboration, and job satisfaction among their teams.

In conclusion, job satisfaction is not an elusive goal that cannot be achieved. It requires a comprehensive understanding of the factors that influence workplace happiness and a commitment to implementing strategies that enhance employee wellbeing. As Steve Jobs once famously said, "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." By creating an environment that values and prioritizes job satisfaction, organizations can not only attract and retain top talent but also foster a productive and thriving workforce. Ultimately, the pursuit of job satisfaction is a journey that is worth undertaking for the success of both individuals and organizations alike.

1Forbes, "Why Is Job Satisfaction So Elusive: Understanding and Enhancing Workplace Happiness"
2Amy Lyman, The Trustworthy Leader: Leveraging the Power of Trust to Transform Your Organization (2012)
3Shawn Achor, The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work (2010)
4Teresa Amabile et al., "What really motivates workers," Harvard Business Review (2011)
5Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway Shareholders Meeting (2009)
6Paul Jones, The Happiness Advantage: How a Positive Brain Fuels Success in Work and Life (2010)
7"2019 Employee Recognition Report." Society for Human Resource Management, 2019.
8Gary Chapman, The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts (Northfield Publishing, 2015).
9Tom Rath, StrengthsFinder 2.0 (Gallup Press, 2007).
10Daniel H. Pink, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us (Riverhead Books, 2009).
11Zig Ziglar, See You at the Top (Pelican Publishing Company, 1982).
12Walt Disney
13American Institute of Stress, "Workplace Stress." (2019)
14Laura Giurge, "The Work-Life Satisfaction Scale: A Measure of Happiness in Work-Life Balance." (2018)
15Johnson & Johnson, "Our Approach to Work-Life Balance." (2020)
16Fortune, "100 Best Companies to work for." (2020)
17Vanessa Van Edwards, "Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People" (2017)
18Dana Brownlee, "The Unwritten Rules of Managing Up: Project Management Techniques from the Trenches" (2019)
19Sarah D. Sparks, "Technology for Communication in the Workplace" (2018)
20Training and Development Journal, "The Impact of Training and Development on Job Satisfaction"
21Harvard Business Review, "Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction: The Happiness Dividend"
22John Child, Organization: Contemporary Principles and Practice (2015)
23Daniel Goleman, The Power of Emotional Intelligence: Selected Writings (2013)