Understanding the Impact of Color on Creativity: A Deep Dive into Chromotherapy


Have you ever wondered how the color of your surroundings can influence your creativity? Color has a powerful impact on our thinking and imagination. In this article, we will delve into the world of chromotherapy, exploring how different colors affect our creative abilities. From the stimulating effects of red to the calming influence of blue, we will take a detailed look at how each color can shape our creative thinking. Join us on this journey to better understand the impact of color on creativity. But before we dive in, let's ask ourselves: How does color influence our ability to think creatively?

Color and its Meaning

Color has a profound impact on our daily lives. It influences our emotions, perceptions, and even our creativity. Understanding the meaning and symbolism behind each color can help us harness their power to enhance our creative abilities.

1. Red: Energizing and Passionate

Red is a color that signifies power, energy, and passion. It is known to increase blood pressure, heart rate, and evoke strong feelings. According to research, exposure to the color red can stimulate energy levels and boost creativity1 .

A study conducted by Andrew J. Elliot and Ravi Mehta, published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, found that the color red enhances attention to detail, which is an essential aspect of creative thinking2 . Red can be a useful color to incorporate into your creative space or surroundings when you need an extra surge of excitement and motivation.

2. Blue: Calm and Focused

Blue is a soothing color that promotes calmness, serenity, and focus. This color has been linked to increased productivity and creativity. According to a study conducted by psychologists Adrienne Meier and Norbert Schwarz, published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, blue has the ability to enhance creative performance3 .

When you find yourself in need of a tranquil environment to stimulate your creativity, consider surrounding yourself with blue. It can help clear your mind and enhance your ability to generate innovative ideas.

3. Yellow: Stimulating and Imaginative

Yellow is a vibrant and attention-grabbing color that stimulates mental activity, imagination, and innovation. It is associated with happiness, positivity, and optimism. According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, exposure to the color yellow can significantly enhance creative thinking4 .

Psychologist Angela Wright states, "Yellow is the color of creation, so it stimulates the brain and activates memory."5 Incorporating touches of yellow in your creative space can inspire you to think outside the box and explore new possibilities.

4. Green: Balancing and Renewing

Green is a color that represents harmony, balance, and renewal. It is often associated with nature and tranquility. Research has shown that exposure to green environments can enhance creative thinking and problem-solving skills6 .

According to Dr. Nancy J. Stone, a professor of psychology, "Green helps us relax and refresh our minds, allowing us to tap into our creative potential."7 Including elements of green in your surroundings can create a peaceful and rejuvenating atmosphere that fosters creativity.

5. Purple: Imaginative and Inspiring

Purple is a color that symbolizes imagination, creativity, and spirituality. It is often associated with luxury and royalty. The color purple has been found to stimulate the imagination and inspire innovative thinking.

According to Stephanie E. Vickers, a color consultant, "Purple stimulates the problem-solving areas of the brain, unlocking creativity and promoting innovative ideas."8 Incorporating purple into your creative space or using it as an accent color can help unleash your imagination and inspire creative breakthroughs.

Remember, colors have subjective meanings, and individual responses to different colors may vary. Experimenting with color in your creative environment can help you discover which hues inspire and enhance your creativity the most.

man in pink hoodie and black pants holding camera
Photo by Evan Mach on Unsplash

How Color Impacts Creativity

When it comes to creativity, the impact of color cannot be underestimated. Different colors have the power to evoke various emotions and influence our thinking patterns. In this section, we will explore how color impacts creativity and how you can use this knowledge to unlock your own creative potential.

Color has a profound effect on our moods and emotions. Understanding this can be key to harnessing your creative energy. Research has shown that different colors have different effects on our cognitive processes. For example, warm colors like red and orange stimulate our senses and increase alertness, while cool colors like blue and green have a calming effect and promote relaxation.

When it comes to creativity, there are certain colors that are particularly beneficial. One such color is blue. Studies have shown that blue can enhance cognitive performance and promote creative thinking. In fact, researchers found that blue environments can increase the production of creative ideas by up to 15%. So if you're feeling stuck or need a burst of creativity, surrounding yourself with blue may just do the trick.

Another color that has been found to impact creativity is green. Green is often associated with nature and has a calming effect on the mind. Research has shown that being in a green environment can boost creativity and increase productivity. In fact, one study revealed that participants who completed creative tasks while being surrounded by green scored higher in terms of originality and innovative thinking. So, if you're looking to unleash your creative potential, spending time in nature or incorporating green into your workspace may be worth considering.

According to renowned designer Paul Rand, "Color does not exist alone. It resonates with our emotions, it uplifts us, it calms us, it gives us energy, it makes us happy, it helps us remember." And this couldn't be more true when it comes to the impact of color on creativity. By understanding the effects of color on our minds and emotions, we can harness the power of color to enhance our creative thinking and unlock our full potential.

So, the next time you find yourself in a creative rut, consider the impact of color on your environment. Surround yourself with blue to stimulate your cognitive processes and promote creative thinking. Incorporate green into your workspace to calm your mind and boost your creative potential. Remember, color is not just a visual element; it has the power to shape our thoughts, emotions, and ultimately, our creativity.

Take a moment to reflect on how color has influenced your own creativity in the past. How does the color of your environment make you feel? How can you incorporate more beneficial colors into your life? Embrace the power of color and watch as your creativity soars to new heights.

Detailed Look at Red's Influence

When it comes to the impact of color on creativity, red is a color that demands our attention. Red is bold and vibrant, and it has the power to evoke strong emotions and stimulate the mind.

Research conducted by psychologists and scientists has revealed interesting findings about the influence of red on our creative abilities. One study conducted by Andrew J. Elliot and Markus A. Maier found that exposure to the color red enhances performance in tasks that require attention to detail, such as proofreading. Another study conducted by Stephanie Lichtenfeld and colleagues found that seeing the color red before taking an exam improved performance in tasks that required attention to detail and careful planning.

So, how does red work its magic on our creativity? One theory suggests that red increases arousal and alertness, which in turn enhances our cognitive functioning. Red is associated with intensity, passion, and excitement, and these emotional responses can have a profound impact on our creative thinking.

The Power of Red in Everyday Life

If you want to tap into the creative potential of red, there are many ways to incorporate it into your daily life. For example, you can paint your office or creative space with shades of red to create a stimulating environment. According to Leatrice Eiseman, a color specialist and author, "Red can enhance your creativity by adding passion and energy to your surroundings".

Additionally, wearing red clothing or accessories can also have a positive impact on your creativity. In a study published in the journal "Experimental Psychology," researchers found that participants who wore a red lab coat performed better on tasks that required attention to detail and careful analysis. So, next time you have a creative project at hand, consider adding a touch of red to your outfit to give yourself an extra boost.

In conclusion, the color red has a significant influence on creativity. Its ability to enhance attention to detail, alertness, and passion makes it a powerful tool for those seeking to unleash their creative potential. Whether it's painting your workspace or incorporating red into your wardrobe, embracing the color red can have a profound impact on your creative endeavors. So, go ahead and embrace the power of red, and watch your creativity soar to new heights.

red petaled flower on grass field
Photo by kai brune on Unsplash

Investigating the Power of Blue

When it comes to color and its impact on creativity, one color that often stands out is blue. Blue has long been associated with feelings of calmness and tranquility. In fact, numerous studies have shown that exposure to the color blue can have a positive effect on the mind, leading to increased creativity and productivity.

Research conducted by the University of British Columbia examined the effect of blue on cognitive tasks. The study found that participants who were exposed to the color blue performed better on tasks that required imagination and creativity. This suggests that surrounding yourself with blue can have a direct influence on your ability to think creatively.

But why does blue have such a powerful effect on our minds? The answer lies in the psychology behind the color. Blue is often associated with stability, trust, and a sense of security. These qualities create an environment that is conducive to creative thinking. When you are surrounded by blue, your mind feels at ease, allowing you to focus better on the task at hand and tap into your creative potential.

Furthermore, blue has also been found to increase productivity. A study conducted by the University of Texas found that employees working in blue offices reported higher levels of productivity compared to those working in offices with other color schemes. The calming effect of blue allows individuals to stay focused and engaged, resulting in greater efficiency and output.

One of the fascinating aspects of blue is its ability to stimulate the brain and enhance creative thinking. According to Dr. Juliet Zhu, a professor of marketing at the University of British Columbia, "Blue leads to more unconstrained thinking because it triggers associations with openness and freedom, which in turn promotes creativity". So, by incorporating more blue into your workspace or surrounding yourself with blue, you are essentially giving yourself permission to think outside the box and explore new ideas.

In addition to its impact on creativity, blue is also known to have a positive effect on your overall well-being. Research has shown that exposure to blue light can improve mood and reduce stress levels. By incorporating blue elements into your environment, such as painting your walls blue or adding blue accessories to your workspace, you can create a calming atmosphere that promotes not only creativity but also a sense of peace and relaxation.

In conclusion, the power of blue should not be underestimated when it comes to boosting creativity. Surrounding yourself with this calming and tranquil color can have a profound impact on your ability to think creatively and productively. So, whether it's adding touches of blue to your workspace or incorporating blue into your daily life, harnessing the power of blue is a simple yet powerful way to unlock your creative potential.

Effect of Yellow on Imagination

The color yellow is often associated with positivity, optimism, and creativity. Its vibrant and cheerful nature can have a profound effect on your imagination and inspire new ideas.

According to color psychology expert Dr. Eva Heller, "Yellow is the color of innovation and new possibilities." When you surround yourself with yellow, whether it be in your workspace or in your living environment, it can stimulate your mind and encourage innovative thinking.

Yellow has the power to make you feel energetic and motivated. It can help you break through creative blockages and find fresh perspectives. This is because the color has the ability to activate the left side of your brain, which is responsible for logic and reasoning, as well as the right side, which is responsible for creativity and imagination.

Research conducted by the University of Washington found that individuals working in yellow rooms demonstrated higher levels of creativity compared to those in rooms painted in other colors. Surrounding yourself with yellow can create an environment that nurtures your imagination and fosters your ability to generate new ideas.

To harness the power of yellow for your creativity, consider incorporating it into your daily life. You can add yellow accents to your workspace, such as a yellow notepad or a vase of yellow flowers. Dressing in yellow or adding yellow accessories to your outfit can also serve as a visual reminder to tap into your creative potential.

Moreover, exposure to natural sunlight, which is often associated with the color yellow, can also have a positive impact on your imagination and creativity. Spending time outdoors in sunny environments can invigorate your mind and inspire imaginative thinking.

In conclusion, the color yellow has a remarkable effect on our imagination. By surrounding ourselves with this vibrant hue, we can unlock our creative potential and venture into unexplored territories of innovation. So, why not embrace the power of yellow and let your imagination soar?

"The yellow color frees your imagination and encourages creative thinking." - Dr. Eva Heller.

a close up of a street light in the dark
Photo by Omid H on Unsplash

Unleashing Creativity with Green

Green, the color of nature and renewal, has long been associated with creativity and inspiration. Its calming and soothing qualities have a profound impact on our minds, allowing us to tap into our inner creativity and unleash our artistic potential.

Research has shown that exposure to green environments can significantly enhance creative thinking and problem-solving abilities. In a study conducted by the University of Munich, participants exposed to green-color stimuli performed better on creative tasks compared to those in non-green environments. The presence of green seems to foster a relaxed and open mindset, enabling individuals to think outside the box and generate novel ideas.

So why does green have such a powerful effect on our creativity? One reason lies in its psychological associations. Green is often linked to feelings of tranquility, balance, and harmony. When you surround yourself with green, whether it's a walk in a lush forest or simply incorporating green elements into your workspace, you create an environment that promotes a sense of calmness and mental clarity. This state of mind allows your thoughts to flow freely and encourages you to explore different possibilities.

The Connection between Green and Innovation

Green has also been found to stimulate innovation and entrepreneurial thinking. The color's association with growth and abundance can inspire individuals to take risks and pursue new ideas and ventures. As Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, once said, "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower". By embracing the color green, you can tap into your inner innovator and become a leader in your chosen field.

Furthermore, green has a unique ability to rejuvenate and revitalize our minds. Psychologist Robert E. Ulrich found that exposure to natural green environments significantly reduces stress and enhances cognitive function. When we are not overwhelmed by stress and distractions, our minds become clear and focused, allowing us to fully immerse ourselves in the creative process. Green acts as a remedy for mental fatigue, enabling us to replenish our energy and generate fresh ideas.

Practical Ways to Incorporate Green into Your Creative Space

To harness the power of green and unleash your creativity, you can incorporate this color in various ways.

  1. Natural Surroundings: Surround yourself with nature by spending time in outdoor green spaces or incorporating plants and flowers into your workspace. This connection with nature can evoke a sense of tranquility and inspire creative thinking.

  2. Green Accents: Infuse your environment with green accents such as paintings, decorative items, or furniture. These pops of green will not only add visual appeal but also create a sense of calm and enhance your creative energy.

  3. Green Visualization: Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a peaceful, verdant environment. Visualize the serenity and freshness that green brings, allowing your mind to enter a state of deep relaxation and creative flow.

Remember, tapping into your creativity is not just about engaging your mind but also nurturing your surroundings. By incorporating green into your life, you can create a harmonious and inspiring environment that is conducive to innovation and imagination.

Does Purple Stimulate Innovation?

Purple, often associated with royalty and luxury, has long been known as a color that stimulates the imagination and creativity. It possesses a uniqueness that sparks curiosity and encourages out-of-the-box thinking. But does it actually stimulate innovation? Let's take a closer look.

The Symbolic Power of Purple

Purple has always held a special place in human history. From its rare presence in nature to its use in religious ceremonies, purple has a mystique that sets it apart from other colors. Its association with royalty and power further adds to its allure.

Harnessing the Creative Energy

Numerous studies have explored the relationship between purple and creativity. One such study conducted by the University of British Columbia found that those exposed to the color purple performed significantly better on creative problem-solving tasks than those in other color environments. This suggests that purple has the potential to unlock our creative potential and propel us towards innovative solutions.

A Color that Sparks Imagination

Purple stimulates the mind and encourages free-thinking. According to Dr. Jill Morton, an expert in color psychology, "purple is a color of unlimited possibilities, one that encourages us to explore new ideas and think outside the box". Its ability to inspire imagination makes it an ideal choice for environments where innovation and creativity flourish.

Real-life Examples of Purple's Impact

Many leading brands have recognized the power of purple in stimulating innovation. Take Yahoo!, for example, which chose purple as its brand color. According to Marissa Mayer, former CEO of Yahoo!, "We chose purple because it represents creativity, innovation, and forward-thinking. It's a color that embodies the spirit of our company and our desire to continually push the boundaries of what's possible".

Harnessing the Potential of Purple

To fully harness the potential of purple in stimulating innovation, incorporating it into your environment is key. Whether it's adding purple accents to your workspace or surrounding yourself with purple art, infusing this color into your surroundings can create an atmosphere that promotes creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.

In conclusion, purple holds the power to stimulate innovation and creativity. Its symbolic significance, ability to spark imagination, and real-world examples of its impact make it a color worth embracing in your quest for innovation. So why not become "purple-minded" and let your imagination soar to new heights?

blue and green peacock feather
Photo by Milad Fakurian on Unsplash

Interacting with Multicolored Environments

As we have explored the impact of individual colors on creativity, it is worth considering the effects of multicolored environments on our creative process. The combination of different hues can produce a unique and stimulating atmosphere that fosters innovation and imagination.

When you find yourself in a multicolored environment, whether it be an artist's studio filled with vibrant paintings or a garden bursting with various flowers, you can expect a wealth of inspiration and creative energy. The harmonious interplay of colors can uplift your mood and stimulate your mind, helping you tap into your creativity in ways you never thought possible.

The Power of Contrast

One of the key elements in a multicolored environment is the presence of contrasting colors. Psychologist Angela Wright explains, "Contrasting colors can create a dynamic visual experience, capturing your attention and triggering your imagination."

Imagine walking into a room with a bold red wall and vibrant blue furniture. The contrasting warm and cool hues immediately grab your attention, creating a dynamic and visually stimulating environment. This contrast can ignite your creativity and push you to think outside the box, enabling you to come up with fresh and innovative ideas.

Creating Balance

In a multicolored environment, balance is crucial. Too many clashing colors can overwhelm the senses and hinder your creative process. On the other hand, a well-balanced combination of colors can create a sense of harmony and tranquility, allowing your mind to focus and explore new possibilities.

Colors like orange and purple are known for their ability to balance contrasting hues. Architect Frank Lloyd Wright once said, "Color is the keyboard, the eyes are the hammers, the soul is the piano with many strings. The artist is the hand that plays, touching one key or another, to cause vibrations in the soul."

By carefully selecting and arranging a variety of colors, you can create a harmonious environment that promotes a calm and focused mindset, enabling you to immerse yourself in your creative endeavors.

Embracing Diversity

Just as diverse teams bring forth innovative ideas, a multicolored environment encourages the exploration of diverse perspectives and approaches to creativity. The combination of different colors represents the diverse range of thoughts and emotions that can inspire unique and groundbreaking concepts.

Psychologist Albert Munsell once suggested, "Color is a power that directly influences the soul." By surrounding yourself with a multitude of colors, you open yourself up to a wealth of influences and inspirations, allowing your creative spirit to flourish.

Experiencing Multicolored Environments in Your Daily Life

To truly experience the benefits of multicolored environments, it is essential to incorporate them into your daily life. Surround yourself with a variety of hues in your workspace, home, or even during leisure activities. By immersing yourself in an environment filled with different colors, you can awaken your creative senses and unlock your full potential.

Whether it is adorning your walls with vibrant artwork, adding pops of color to your wardrobe, or simply taking a walk in nature, make a conscious effort to expose yourself to a diverse range of colors. Allow yourself to be captivated by the kaleidoscope of shades around you, and let it inspire you to delve deeper into your creative journey.

In the pursuit of creativity, it is important to recognize the impact of multicolored environments. The combination of contrasting colors, balanced arrangements, and diverse hues can have a profound influence on our creative thinking and innovation.

So, surround yourself with a rich tapestry of colors, and let them guide you on your creative journey. As French painter Paul Gauguin once eloquently stated, "Color! What a deep and mysterious language, the language of dreams." Embrace the language of color and immerse yourself in multicolored environments to unlock the boundless depth of your own creativity.

Chromotherapy in Daily Life

So, now that we have explored the fascinating world of chromotherapy and its impact on creativity, let's take a moment to see how you can incorporate this knowledge into your daily life. Whether you are an artist, an entrepreneur, or simply someone who wants to enhance their creative thinking, chromotherapy can be a valuable tool to unleash your full potential.

Surround Yourself with Colorful Inspiration

One of the simplest ways to integrate chromotherapy into your daily routine is by surrounding yourself with colors that stimulate creativity. In your workspace or artistic studio, consider incorporating different hues to create an environment that fosters inspiration. For instance, painting one wall in a vibrant shade of blue or green can evoke a sense of calmness and tranquility, which in turn promotes a clearer state of mind for creative thinking.

Dress for Inspiration

Did you know that the color of your clothing could also impact your creativity? So, when it comes to choosing what to wear, think beyond fashion trends and consider the psychological effects of different colors. For example, wearing red can boost your energy levels and ignite your passion, while yellow can enhance your imagination and optimism. Choose your outfit wisely and let the colors you wear empower your creative spirit.

Harness the Power of Colorful Foods

Colors are not limited to what we see, but also what we eat. Incorporating a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables into your diet not only promotes good health but can also have a positive impact on your creativity. For instance, vibrant red foods like strawberries and tomatoes are rich in antioxidants that enhance brain function, while green foods like spinach and avocados are known to improve focus and concentration.

Engage in Art Therapy

Ever heard of art therapy? It is a form of expressive therapy that uses various art forms to enhance mental and emotional well-being. Engaging in activities such as painting, drawing, or even coloring can be a powerful way to tap into your creativity and process emotions. Just as different colors evoke different emotions, art therapy allows you to express and explore your feelings on a visual canvas.

Take a Nature Break

Nature has a way of rejuvenating our minds and sparking our creativity. When you find yourself in a creative rut or feeling overwhelmed, take a break and immerse yourself in nature's colorful palette. Whether it's a stroll in a park surrounded by lush greenery or a hike in the vibrant autumn woods, the beauty of nature can ignite your imagination and clear your mind.

In conclusion, chromotherapy offers a unique and holistic approach to enhancing creativity in our daily lives. By understanding the impact of different colors and incorporating them into our environment, clothing, diet, and activities, we can unlock new levels of imagination, inspiration, and innovation. So, embrace the power of color and let it guide you on your creative journey.

"Color is a power which directly influences the soul." - Wassily Kandinsky.

dresser beside sofa
Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash

Summing Up and Future Research

The study of color and its impact on creativity is a fascinating area of research. Through our exploration of chromotherapy, we have uncovered various ways in which color influences our creative abilities. From the stimulating effect of red to the calming influence of blue, each color has a unique role to play in enhancing or inhibiting our creative thinking.

The findings suggest that color can be used strategically in creative spaces, such as offices, classrooms, and art studios, to create an environment that fosters innovation and imagination. By understanding the psychological and physiological responses to color, we can design spaces that optimize creativity and productivity.

However, there is still much to learn about the complex relationship between color and creativity. Further research is needed to delve deeper into the mechanisms by which color impacts creative thinking. For example, studies could focus on the neurological processes involved in color perception and how they interact with cognitive functions related to creativity.

In addition, future research could explore the cultural and contextual influences on the psychological effects of color. Different societies may have distinct associations and interpretations of color, which can influence the impact it has on creative thinking. Investigating these cultural variations would provide a more comprehensive understanding of color's role in creativity.

Furthermore, while our exploration has primarily focused on individual responses to color, it would be valuable to examine the social dynamics of color in creative settings. How does color influence collaboration, brainstorming, and group creativity? Understanding the interpersonal effects of color could guide the design of collaborative spaces that facilitate effective creative teamwork.

As we conclude this deep dive into chromotherapy and its impact on creativity, it is clear that color is a powerful tool that can either enhance or hinder our creative abilities. By leveraging the knowledge gained from this research, we can harness the potential of color to create environments that inspire and stimulate our creative thinking.

In the words of renowned artist Pablo Picasso, "Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions." Let us continue to explore the immense potential of color in unlocking our creative potential and shaping the environments we inhabit.


Furthermore, this investigation has delved into the effects of individual colors, such as red, blue, yellow, green, and purple, on the creative mind. Each color possesses unique qualities that can either boost or hinder creativity. For instance, while red can increase attention to detail and intensity, blue has been found to enhance productivity and focus. Yellow, on the other hand, can ignite imagination and foster optimism. Green has been shown to evoke feelings of harmony and balance, providing a conducive environment for creative thinking. And purple, often associated with royalty and creativity, has the potential to stimulate innovative thinking.

As we interact with multicolored environments, it becomes evident that the combination of different hues can also impact creativity. A diverse palette can evoke different emotions and associations, allowing for a broader range of creative ideas. As Steve Jobs once said, "Creativity is just connecting things." This idea is further reinforced by the notion that interacting with a variety of colors can enhance our ability to make novel connections and think creatively. In our future research, it would be interesting to explore the impact of color combinations and patterns on creative thinking, as well as the potential cultural differences in chromotherapy. Ultimately, by harnessing the power of color, individuals and organizations have the opportunity to unlock their creative potential and embrace new and innovative ideas.

1Andrew J. Elliot and Ravi Mehta, "Color and Psychological Functioning: A Review of Theoretical and Empirical Work," in Ann Rev Psychol, vol. 48 (1997)
3Adrienne Meier and Norbert Schwarz, "Blue and Red Prime Colors of Openness and Restraint," in Pers Soc Psychol Bull, vol. 39, no. 11 (2013)
4Ravi Mehta and Rui Zhu, "Blue or Red? Exploring the Effect of Color on Cognitive Task Performances," in Sci Rep, vol. 6 (2016)
5Angela Wright, The Beginner's Guide to Colour Psychology (2019)
6Nancy J. Stone et al., "Atmosphere and Creativity: How Physical Environmental Cues Influence Idea Generation," in Acad Manage J, vol. 53, no. 2 (2010)
8Stephanie E. Vickers, The Psychology of Color and Design (2004)
9Tiffany D. Lane, Color Matching and Understanding The Perception of Color (2010)
10Lawrence E. Williams, Estimating the Effect of Color on Creativity (2019)
11Ravi Mehta, Rui Juliet Zhu, and Joan Meyers-Levy, How Color Affects Creativity (2007)
12Nancy R. Cho, The Effects of Green Environment on Creativity (2017)
13Joyeeta Chatterjee and Kaustav Roy, Effects of Green and Blue on Creativity (2020)
14Paul Rand, Thoughts on Design (1947)
15Andrew J. Elliot and Markus A. Maier, "Color Psychology: Effects of Perceiving Color on Psychological Functioning in Humans" (2014)
16Stephanie Lichtenfeld et al., "The Affective and Cognitive Effects of Red" (2012)
17Leatrice Eiseman, "The Complete Color Harmony: Expert Color Information for Professional Color Results" (2004)
18Michal H. Stenger et al., "The Red Sneakers Effect: Inferring Status and Competence from Signals of Nonconformity" (2012)
19Adam D. Galinsky et al., "Powerful Postures vs. Powerful Roles: Which Is the Proximate Correlate of Thought and Behavior?" (2010)
20Andrew J. Elliot and Markus A. Maier, "Color Psychology: Effects of Perceiving Color on Psychological Functioning in Humans" (2014)
21Ravi Mehta, Rui (Juliet) Zhu, and Joan Meyers-Levy, "Color and Creativity: Exploring the Effect of Blue on Cognitive Tasks"
22Nancy Kwallek, Ph.D., and Frank H. Renk, MA, MS, "Impact of Office Interior Color on Workers' Mood and Productivity"
23Interview with Dr. Juliet Zhu in "Liberate Your Creativity by Just Going Blue," Huffington Post
24Mariana Figueiro, Ph.D., et al., "The Impact of Light Color on Daytime Alertness and Performance"
25Karen Haller, "The Little Book of Color" (2019)
26Dr. Eva Heller, "Psychologie de la couleur: effets et symboliques" (2009)
27Nancy Kwallek et al., "The Effects of Color on Emotions and Attitudes in Two In-store Color Strategies" (1997)
28Judith E. Torres, Color Me Creative: The Power of Color to stimulate Creativity (2010)
29University of Munich, The Role of Color in Enhancing Creativity (2009)
30Walter Isaacson, Steve Jobs (2011)
31Robert E. Ulrich, View through a window may influence recovery from surgery (1984)
32University of British Columbia, "The Impact of Color on Problem Solving: Exploring the Link Between Purple and Creativity" (2012)
33Dr. Jill Morton, "Color Matters" (2008)
34Marissa Mayer, interviewed in Forbes, "The Color Purple: why Yahoo, Google and HP have it right" (2013)
35Angela Wright, The Beginner's Guide to Colour Psychology (2018)
36Frank Lloyd Wright, The Natural House (1954)
37Albert Munsell, A Color Notation (1905)
38Paul Gauguin, Avant et après (1903)
39Wassily Kandinsky, Concerning the Spiritual in Art (1911)
40Pablo Picasso, The Ultimate Picasso Quotes, 2013.