Is it a Good Idea to Switch Jobs Frequently? A Fresh Perspective on Career Progress


Do you ever find yourself growing restless in your current job, daydreaming about new opportunities and different career paths? The idea of switching jobs frequently can be both intriguing and daunting. On one hand, it offers the potential for new experiences, skill development, and increased job satisfaction. On the other hand, it comes with risks and uncertainties. So, is it a good idea to switch jobs frequently? Let's take a fresh perspective on career progress and explore the pros and cons of job hopping.

Understanding Job Switching

Switching jobs can be a difficult decision, and it's important to understand the potential consequences and benefits that come with it. Job switching refers to the act of changing employers or industries, often in pursuit of better opportunities or career growth1 . While some people may view frequent job changes as a negative, there are several factors to consider when weighing the pros and cons.

The Desire for Growth

One of the main reasons why individuals switch jobs frequently is the desire for personal and professional growth. It's natural to want to evolve and challenge yourself in new environments. As Tony Robbins once said, "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten"2 .

Gaining Diverse Skills and Experiences

Switching jobs can provide you with a broader skillset and diverse experiences in different industries or roles. This can make you more adaptable and marketable in the long run. According to Emily Chang, author of "Brotopia," she states that "being exposed to different industries has given me a more well-rounded perspective and expanded my knowledge base"3 .

Discovering What Fits You Best

Sometimes, the only way to find what truly makes you happy and fulfilled is by exploring different job opportunities. By switching jobs, you give yourself the chance to try out different roles, industries, and work environments. This can help you find the right fit for your skills, passions, and values. As Steve Jobs famously said, "Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work"4 .

Increasing Your Network

Changing jobs frequently can also expand your professional network. Each time you switch jobs, you have the opportunity to meet new colleagues, supervisors, and contacts in your field. This expanded network can open doors to future opportunities and help you stay connected to industry trends and advancements. It's true what they say, "Your network is your net worth"5 .

Personal Development and Adaptability

Job switching forces you to adapt to new work environments, colleagues, and challenges. Each transition pushes you to develop new skills, problem-solving abilities, and interpersonal relationships. These experiences can shape you into a more well-rounded professional and help you navigate future career shifts.

Embracing a Growth Mindset

Ultimately, the decision to switch jobs frequently boils down to embracing a growth mindset. It's about continuously seeking out new challenges, learning opportunities, and personal development. As Albert Einstein once said, "The measure of intelligence is the ability to change"6 .

In conclusion, while job switching may not be for everyone, it can offer numerous benefits such as personal growth, diverse experiences, expanding your network, and finding your true passion. So don't be afraid to take that leap and find the career path that truly fulfills you.

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Photo by Agence Olloweb on Unsplash

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Frequent Job Changes

Switching jobs frequently is a subject that provokes plenty of debate among professionals. Some argue that staying in one job for an extended period demonstrates loyalty and commitment, while others believe that changing jobs frequently can lead to more opportunities for growth and development. So, how do you weigh the pros and cons of frequent job changes? Let's find out.

The Pros

  1. Exploring New Opportunities: One of the biggest advantages of switching jobs frequently is the opportunity to explore new horizons and expand your skillset. With each new job, you gain exposure to different industries, work cultures, and challenges. As Steve Jobs once said, "Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do." Switching jobs frequently can help you find that "great work" that truly fulfills you.

  2. Increased Salary Potential: Changing jobs can sometimes lead to a significant increase in salary. When you switch to a new company, you have an opportunity to negotiate a higher salary based on your experience and skills. As you accumulate diverse experiences, you become more marketable, making employers willing to pay a premium for your expertise. According to a study by Glassdoor, job switchers earned a 5.2% higher base salary compared to those who stayed in the same job.

  3. Building a Diverse Network: Each new job brings you in contact with different professionals and industry leaders. By frequently switching jobs, you expand your network and open doors to potential collaborations and mentorship opportunities. Building a diverse network is essential for career growth and can provide invaluable support and guidance throughout your professional journey.

The Cons

  1. Lack of Stability: Frequent job changes might make potential employers question your commitment to staying with a company for the long term. They may worry that you will leave their company soon after joining, which can impact your chances of securing new opportunities. It's important to consider how job hopping may affect your reputation and how it aligns with your long-term career goals.

  2. Limited Time for Skill Development: When you switch jobs frequently, you may not have sufficient time to fully develop your skills and expertise in a particular role. Longevity in a job allows you to learn from experience and build a deep understanding of your industry. Constantly jumping from one job to another may prevent you from gaining valuable experience and limit your professional growth in the long run.

  3. Adjustment Period and Uncertainty: Starting a new job always involves a learning curve and an adjustment period. Frequent job changes mean you have to adapt to new work environments, colleagues, and expectations on a regular basis. This constant state of adjustment can be stressful and may take a toll on your work-life balance and overall well-being.

Finding Your Balance

In the end, the decision to switch jobs frequently or stay with one employer for an extended period is a personal one. Before making any decisions, consider your long-term career goals, your financial needs, and the potential impact on your professional development. Are you someone who thrives on change and constantly seeks new challenges? Or do you prefer stability and deepening your expertise in a particular field?

Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Each individual's circumstances and priorities are unique. What matters most is striking a balance between professional growth, personal fulfillment, and financial stability. As you navigate your career path, trust your intuition and don't be afraid to take calculated risks.

How Often is too Often: The Ideal Timeframe Between Job Switches

When it comes to job switching, finding the right balance is crucial. While seeking new opportunities can be exciting and offer growth, changing jobs too frequently can have its downsides. So, what is the ideal timeframe between job switches?

The Importance of Stability

Before we delve into the ideal timeframe, it's essential to understand the value of stability in your career. Changing jobs too often can raise red flags for potential employers and may give the impression that you lack commitment or struggle to adapt to new environments. This can hinder your career progress and limit opportunities for growth.

Striking the Right Balance

While stability is crucial, staying in one job for too long also has its drawbacks. The modern job market values versatility and adaptability, and sometimes changing jobs can be the key to expanding your skill set and experiencing new challenges. According to career experts, the ideal timeframe between job switches is generally considered to be between two to five years.

The Two-Year Rule

The two-year mark is often seen as the minimum recommended duration for staying in a job. Staying with a company for this period allows you to demonstrate commitment and dedication, showing potential employers that you can persevere and contribute value to an organization.

The Five-Year Rule

On the other end of the spectrum, staying in a job for too long can lead to stagnation. The five-year mark is often seen as the upper limit for staying in one position. Going beyond this timeframe may indicate a lack of ambition or a reluctance to step out of your comfort zone and take on new challenges.

Finding Your Own Rhythm

While the two to five-year timeframe provides a general guideline, it is essential to consider your individual circumstances and career goals. Your ideal timeframe may differ based on factors such as industry trends, personal aspirations, and the level of growth opportunities within your current job.

Expert Insights

Career coach John Lees emphasizes the importance of considering your long-term goals when determining the ideal timeframe between job switches. He advises, "It's worth thinking about what you want your career to look like in five years, then considering what you are doing and whether this is taking you in the right direction".

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, the ideal timeframe between job switches depends on a variety of factors. It is crucial to strike a balance between stability and professional growth, ensuring that you make thoughtful and strategic decisions that align with your long-term career goals.

Remember, your career is a journey of self-discovery and growth. Embrace the opportunities that come your way, weigh the pros and cons carefully, and make decisions that will propel you towards success.

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Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

Job Switching and Its Impact on Career Progress

Job switching has become increasingly common in today's fast-paced and ever-changing work environment. Many professionals find themselves seeking new opportunities, challenges, or higher salaries elsewhere. While this trend has its advantages, such as gaining diverse experience and expanding your professional network, it also has its drawbacks that can significantly impact your career progress.

One of the main impacts of frequent job switching is the potential disruption to your career trajectory. Job changes can lead to a loss of continuity and the need to start over in a new role or industry. This can disrupt your professional development and delay your progress towards higher positions or increased responsibilities.

Moreover, constantly switching jobs might give potential employers the impression that you lack commitment, stability, or loyalty. This perception could make it harder for you to secure a job in the future or even hinder opportunities for career advancement within an organization. As noted by career expert Heather Huhman, "Employers tend to value long tenure with a single company, as it demonstrates dedication, loyalty, and the ability to adapt to an organization's culture and values".

Additionally, each job switch requires time and effort to acclimate to a new work environment, team dynamics, and company culture. This adjustment period can take a toll on your productivity and focus during the initial stages of a new job. Furthermore, constantly switching jobs may limit the depth of your industry knowledge, as you may only scratch the surface before moving on to the next role.

However, it's important to note that not all job switches have negative consequences. In certain cases, moving to a new position can provide fresh challenges, enhanced learning opportunities, and the chance to develop new skills. For example, author and entrepreneur Lisa Sugar once said, "Each time you switch jobs, you gain valuable new perspectives that can be applied to future roles and industries". So, it's critical to weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks before making a decision to change jobs frequently.

To mitigate the negative impact of job switching on your career progress, it is crucial to carefully plan and consider your reasons for making a change. Evaluate if a new job aligns with your long-term goals and if it offers significant opportunities for growth and advancement. Keep in mind that the frequency of job switches may vary depending on the industry or field you are in. Some industries, such as technology or consulting, are more accustomed to professionals changing jobs more frequently.

Strive to build a strong professional network that can support and endorse your career moves. Leverage your network to seek advice from mentors and experienced professionals who have successfully navigated frequent job switches. Their guidance can provide valuable insights and help you make informed decisions about your career path.

In conclusion, while frequent job switching can provide new experiences and growth opportunities, it is essential to be mindful of the potential impact on your career progress. Consider the long-term implications and weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. Building a solid foundation through consistent growth and building strong relationships can help you navigate job switches successfully and continue progressing in your professional journey. Remember, your career is a marathon, not a sprint, and each move should be strategic and purposeful.

Real Life Cases: How Frequent Job Shifts Worked Out

Job switching can be a daunting decision. You may wonder if it's really worth it to start fresh in a new company or industry. To help you gain some clarity, let's take a look at real life cases where frequent job shifts actually worked out for individuals.

John's Success Story

John had spent over a decade in the same company, feeling unchallenged and stagnant. He made the bold decision to switch jobs and explore new opportunities. Initially, he faced uncertainty and doubt, but he soon realized that change was exactly what he needed.

In his new role, John had the chance to work on exciting projects, collaborate with talented individuals, and expand his skillset. He discovered a passion for project management that he had never tapped into before. As a result of his job switch, John found himself more motivated, happier, and more fulfilled in his career.

Samantha's Journey

Samantha always felt a strong desire to work in different industries to gain a diverse skillset. She decided to make frequent job switches a part of her career strategy. Initially, this unconventional approach raised eyebrows, but Samantha was determined to prove the naysayers wrong.

She started her journey as a graphic designer, then transitioned to marketing, and later found her calling in data analysis. Although each switch required her to adapt and learn new skills, Samantha embraced the challenge wholeheartedly.

Today, Samantha is a highly sought-after professional, valued for her ability to bring a unique blend of skills and perspectives to the table. She says, "Switching jobs frequently helped me to become a well-rounded professional. Each transition allowed me to grow personally and professionally and gave me a competitive edge in the job market."

Sarah's Transformation

Sarah had been working in the finance industry for several years when she realized she wanted to pursue her passion for writing. Feeling trapped in her current role, she decided to switch jobs and start her career as a freelance writer.

At first, Sarah faced financial uncertainty and doubts about her decision. However, she persisted and worked diligently to establish herself in the writing industry. Over time, she built a strong portfolio, gained recognition for her work, and was able to secure high-paying freelance contracts.

Sarah's story proves that a job switch can lead to personal and professional transformation. She says, "Taking a leap of faith and pursuing my passion was the best decision I ever made. I am finally doing what I love, and I wake up excited to work every day."

These real life cases demonstrate that frequent job switches can indeed lead to positive outcomes. By taking the leap and embracing change, individuals like John, Samantha, and Sarah were able to find fulfillment, growth, and success in their careers.

Remember, your career is a journey, and sometimes, it takes exploring different paths to find the one that aligns with your true passion and potential. So, if you're contemplating a job switch, consider the inspiring stories of those who have gone before you and dared to follow their dreams.

Now it's your turn to make a move and create your own success story!

Adapting Your Professional Skillset with Every Job Shift

One of the most valuable aspects of frequent job shifts is the opportunity to continuously adapt and grow your professional skillset. Each new role presents a chance to learn new skills, gain valuable experience, and broaden your knowledge base. Embracing this mindset can have a profound impact on your career progress.

Job shifts allow you to take on new challenges and push yourself out of your comfort zone. Whether you're transitioning to a different industry or taking on a more senior role, each change provides a unique opportunity to develop new abilities and expand your expertise. By embracing these opportunities, you can position yourself as a versatile and adaptable professional in the eyes of employers.

Throughout your career, you will encounter various industry trends, technological advancements, and market shifts. By frequently switching jobs, you expose yourself to different environments, cultures, and ways of doing things. This exposure enables you to stay ahead of the curve and stay relevant in a rapidly evolving job market.

As you adapt and grow with each job shift, you also enhance your problem-solving skills. Every role comes with its own set of challenges and obstacles. It is through facing and overcoming these challenges that you develop the ability to think critically and find innovative solutions. This attribute is highly valued by employers, as it demonstrates your ability to thrive and add value in any situation.

Moreover, frequent job shifts provide you with invaluable networking opportunities. Each new position brings you into contact with new colleagues and industry professionals. Building and nurturing these relationships can open doors to future collaboration, mentorship, and career advancement. These connections can also serve as references and recommendations as you continue to progress in your career journeys.

In the words of Helen Edwards, Chief People Officer at Shazam, "Embracing new career opportunities can be daunting, but every time you move, you have the potential to learn new things and become a more well-rounded professional." By harnessing the power of each job shift, you can continuously hone your skills, diversify your experience, and broaden your professional network. This relentless pursuit of growth will position you as a dynamic and valuable asset to any organization.

So, as you contemplate the idea of frequent job shifts, remember to embrace the opportunity it presents for personal and professional development. Each new role is a chance to learn, grow, and adapt. By continuously evolving your skillset, you increase your marketability, broaden your career options, and pave the way for long-term success.

Top Industries for Frequent Job Switchers

If you find yourself constantly contemplating a career change, you're not alone. Many professionals today are seeking new challenges and opportunities in different industries. Job switching has become a common trend in the modern workplace, with professionals constantly exploring new paths to maximize their potential and find fulfillment in their careers.

When it comes to industries that embrace frequent job switchers, certain sectors stand out. These industries provide an environment that encourages exploration, growth, and diversity in your professional journey. Here are some of the top industries that frequently welcome job switchers:

  1. Technology:

The tech industry is notorious for its fast-paced and ever-evolving nature. It attracts individuals who thrive on innovation and continuous learning. With new technologies constantly emerging, this industry offers a myriad of opportunities for those seeking to switch jobs frequently. From software development to data analysis, there's always something new to explore in the exciting world of technology.

  1. Creative:

If you have a knack for artistic expression, the creative industry is a fertile ground for frequent job switching. Whether you're a graphic designer, writer, or photographer, this industry values fresh perspectives and diverse skill sets. The creative field allows you to continually challenge yourself and develop new talents as you navigate various projects and assignments.

  1. Consulting:

Consulting offers a unique opportunity to work on a wide range of projects across different industries. As a consultant, you can enhance your expertise in multiple areas while building a diverse network of clients and contacts. The variety of projects and industries you encounter can lead to valuable insights and fresh perspectives that can help you grow both professionally and personally.

  1. Sales and Marketing:

In the ever-competitive world of sales and marketing, adaptability is key. Job switching within this industry allows you to gain exposure to different markets, products, and strategies. The skills you acquire from working in various sales and marketing positions can make you a versatile and sought-after professional.

  1. Startups:

Startups are known for their dynamic and entrepreneurial environments, making them the perfect fit for frequent job switchers. As a startup employee, you'll often find yourself wearing many hats and taking on different roles. The experience gained from working in a startup can be invaluable, as it allows you to develop a diverse skill set and adapt to rapidly changing business landscapes.

These industries provide an ideal platform for professionals who enjoy the thrill of new challenges and continuous learning. Embracing frequent job switching within these sectors allows you to expand your skill set, broaden your network, and gain valuable insights from different perspectives. As Steve Jobs once said: "Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do".

So if you find yourself contemplating a career change, take a leap of faith and explore the opportunities that these industries have to offer. Your journey as a frequent job switcher can lead you down an exciting and fulfilling path, where growth and self-discovery are constant companions.

Choose an industry that resonates with your passion, embrace the challenges that come with frequent job switching, and create the career path that truly reflects who you are and what you want to achieve.

Strategies for Smoother Transitions Between Jobs

Switching jobs can be an exciting and challenging experience. It opens up new opportunities for growth, learning, and advancement in your career. However, it's important to navigate these transitions with care and strategy to ensure a smooth and successful transition. Here are some strategies to help you make the most of your job switches:

  1. Networking is Key: Building strong professional relationships should be a priority throughout your career. When transitioning between jobs, leverage your network to find new opportunities and gather valuable insights. Don't be afraid to reach out to colleagues, mentors, or industry professionals for advice and support. Networking can open doors to new job prospects and help you navigate the transition more smoothly.

  2. Develop a Transition Plan: Before leaving your current job, take the time to create a transition plan. This involves documenting your current projects, tasks, and responsibilities, and ensuring a smooth handover to your successor. Taking these proactive steps will not only make you a responsible and reliable professional but also leave a positive impression on your current employer and colleagues.

  3. Continued Learning and Skill Development: Each job switch provides an opportunity for professional growth. It's important to stay up-to-date with industry trends, technologies, and skills required for the job you want. Invest in self-improvement by attending relevant workshops, training programs, or obtaining certifications. This continuous learning will not only enhance your expertise but also increase your value as a candidate in the job market.

  4. Use Your Prior Experience to Your Advantage: When switching jobs, it's common to feel like a beginner again. However, remember that you have valuable experience and skills from your previous roles. Leverage this experience to your advantage by highlighting transferable skills and showcasing how you have successfully applied them in different contexts. This will not only boost your confidence but also make you a more compelling candidate for potential employers.

  5. Maintain a Positive Attitude: Job transitions can be stressful, filled with uncertainty and self-doubt. It's important to maintain a positive attitude throughout this process. Embrace the opportunity for growth and view each job switch as a chance to learn, try new things, and broaden your professional horizons. As Mahatma Gandhi once said, "Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world." So, choose to color your career with positivity and enthusiasm.

In conclusion, navigating job transitions smoothly is crucial for your professional growth and success. By following these strategies, you can ensure that each job switch is a stepping stone towards building a fulfilling and rewarding career. Remember, as Steve Jobs famously said, "Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work." So, embrace the opportunity to explore new paths, learn new skills, and make each job switch a positive and transformative experience.

Navigating the Job Market: Tips for Frequent Job Switchers

If you find yourself constantly switching jobs, it's important to approach the job market strategically. While frequent job switches can raise a few eyebrows among potential employers, there are ways to navigate this situation and still land the job you desire. Here are some tips to help you in your job hunting journey:

  1. Highlight your adaptability: Job switchers often possess a valuable trait - adaptability. Emphasize this in your resume and cover letter by showcasing how you have successfully adapted to different work environments and industries. Employers value individuals who can quickly learn and adjust to new surroundings.

  2. Demonstrate continuous learning: When changing jobs frequently, it's essential to show that you continuously seek opportunities for growth and development. Highlight any additional training or certifications you have obtained during your career. This showcases your commitment to self-improvement and makes you a stronger candidate.

  3. Craft a compelling career narrative: Be prepared to explain the reasons behind your frequent job switches in a positive light. Focus on the valuable skills and experiences you gained from each position and how they have contributed to your overall career growth. This helps potential employers understand your motivations and ensures that your transitions are seen as stepping stones rather than random jumps.

  4. Network strategically: Networking is crucial for anyone in the job market, but it becomes even more important for frequent job switchers. Build a strong professional network by attending industry events, joining relevant associations, and connecting with professionals on platforms like LinkedIn. Personal recommendations and referrals can help counterbalance any concerns employers may have about your job history.

  5. Leverage your transferable skills: Frequent job switchers often acquire a diverse skill set that can be valuable to potential employers. Identify the transferable skills you have developed throughout your career and emphasize them in your resume and interviews. This shows employers that you bring a unique perspective and a wide range of abilities to the table.

To further inspire you, here's a quote from Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors:

"I've had to learn that your career is not a ladder; it's a jungle gym. Take opportunities and move sideways, and sometimes down, to get where you want to go."

Remember, frequent job switches don't have to hinder your career progress. By showcasing your adaptability, continuous learning, and valuable transferable skills, you can position yourself as a resilient and resourceful candidate. Stay focused, keep networking, and maintain a positive attitude. Your next great job opportunity may be just around the corner.

person holding compass facing towards green pine trees
Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash


In conclusion, the decision to switch jobs frequently is a personal one that should be carefully considered. While there are potential benefits such as gaining diverse experiences, developing a versatile skill set, and increasing job satisfaction, there are also drawbacks including potential instability, loss of institutional knowledge, and the need to constantly adapt to new environments. Ultimately, the ideal timeframe between job switches depends on various factors such as industry norms, individual career goals, and the availability of suitable opportunities. It is crucial for individuals to weigh the pros and cons, evaluate their long-term goals, and carefully plan their career moves.

As Steve Jobs once said, "Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do." It is evident that finding job satisfaction and fulfillment is a vital aspect of one's career journey. While frequent job switches may provide individuals with fresh challenges and professional growth, it is equally important to find stability and purpose in one's chosen path. Ultimately, by approaching career decisions with thoughtfulness and self-awareness, individuals can navigate the job market, adapt their skillset, and achieve their professional goals successfully.

1Richard N. Bolles, "What color is your parachute?" (2018)
2Tony Robbins, "Awaken the Giant Within" (1991)
3Emily Chang, "Brotopia" (2018)
4Walter Isaacson, "Steve Jobs" (2011)
5Porter Gale, "Your Network is Your Net Worth" (2013)
6Albert Einstein, "The World As I See It" (1931)
7Walter Isaacson, Steve Jobs (2011)
8Cal Newport, So Good They Can't Ignore You (2012)
9Glassdoor Economic Research, Job Switching: Career and Wage Growth (2016)
10Dave Ramsey, Financial Peace (1992)
11John C. Maxwell, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership (1998)
12Robert Greene, Mastery (2012)
13John Lees, How to Get a Job You Love (2013)
14Timothy Ferriss, The 4-Hour Workweek (2007)
15Daniel H. Pink, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us (2009)
16John Lees, How to Get a Job You Love (2013)
17Diane Stafford, "Switching Jobs Often May Hinder Your Career," The Balance Careers, January 2021.
18Heather R. Huhman, "Why Frequent Job Hopping Is Seen As A Hiring Red Flag," Forbes, January 2016.
19Lisa Sugar, Power Your Happy: Work Hard, Play Nice & Build Your Dream Life (2016).
20Richard N. Bolles, What Color is Your Parachute? (2020)
21Helen Edwards, "The Power of Embracing New Career Opportunities", LinkedIn (2019)
22Thomas L. Friedman, "Thank You for Being Late: An Optimist's Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations" (2016).
23Kim Gordon, "Making a Living Without a Job: Winning Ways for Creating Work That You Love" (2009).
24Jay Conrad Levinson et al., "Guerrilla Marketing for Consultants: Breakthrough Tactics for Winning Profitable Clients" (2011).
25Spencer Johnson, "Who Moved My Cheese?: An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life" (1998).
26Brad Feld, "Startup Communities: Building an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Your City" (2012).
27Steve Jobs, "Stanford University Commencement Address" (2005).
28Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence (1995)
29Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich (1937)
30Mary Barra, "Office Politics: Tips and Tricks for Navigating the Jungle Gym" (2019)