How to Handle a Financial Crisis: Navigating Through Economic Turmoil

Personal Finance

Are you feeling overwhelmed by a financial crisis? Don't panic, you're not alone. Times of economic turmoil can be incredibly stressful, but with the right approach and guidance, you can navigate your way through it. In this article, we will focus on the introduction section and give you some insight into handling a financial crisis. So, sit back, relax, and let's get started.

Understanding a Financial Crisis

In times of economic turmoil, it's crucial to understand what exactly a financial crisis is and how it can impact your life. A financial crisis is a situation in which the value of financial assets, such as stocks and real estate, rapidly decreases, leading to a severe economic downturn. During a crisis, the economy experiences a sharp decline in production, high unemployment rates, and a significant decrease in consumer spending1 .

Financial crises can range from global events affecting the entire world to local events that impact one specific country or region. The causes of financial crises are often complex and can vary from one situation to another. Factors such as excessive borrowing, speculative bubbles, and weak regulatory frameworks can all contribute to the occurrence of a financial crisis.

Understanding how a financial crisis can affect you personally is essential. During a crisis, job losses become more prevalent, businesses struggle to stay afloat, and personal wealth can rapidly diminish. It's crucial to stay informed about the current state of the economy and understand how it may affect your financial well-being.

As Warren Buffett once said, "It's only when the tide goes out that you discover who's been swimming naked."2 This quote emphasizes the importance of being prepared for a financial crisis and understanding its potential consequences.

To navigate through a financial crisis successfully, it's vital to have a solid understanding of what causes them and how they can impact your life. By staying informed and being aware of the signs of economic turmoil, you can better prepare yourself to weather the storm and come out on the other side stronger.

Recognizing the Signs of Economic Turmoil

In these uncertain times, it is crucial to keep an eye out for the signs of economic turmoil. Recognizing these signs can help individuals and families prepare for the challenges that lie ahead. Whether it's a stock market crash, rising unemployment rates, or increasing inflation, being aware and proactive is essential.

1. Stock Market Volatility

Stock market fluctuations are common, but when they become more volatile and unpredictable, it may indicate economic turmoil. Sudden drops in stock prices and frequent market swings can be warning signs of an impending crisis. As Warren Buffett once wisely said, "The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient."

2. Job Losses and Rising Unemployment

High unemployment rates often signal economic hardship. If companies are laying off employees or if job opportunities become scarce, it may be an indication of economic decline. It's important to keep abreast of labor market trends and industry news to recognize possible economic challenges.

3. Increased Bankruptcies

When businesses and individuals are struggling financially, the number of bankruptcies tends to rise. Bankruptcy filings can help gauge the severity of an economic crisis. This is why it is crucial to maintain a solid financial foundation, as it provides stability during uncertain times.

4. Falling Housing Prices

Real estate is often considered a key indicator of the overall health of the economy. Rapidly falling housing prices may suggest an economic downturn. Observing housing market trends, such as declining home sales and rising foreclosures, can be useful in assessing the state of the economy.

5. Inflation and Rising Cost of Living

Inflation occurs when the prices of goods and services rise over time. When inflation increases rapidly, people's purchasing power decreases, and the cost of living becomes more burdensome. An escalating inflation rate can be a telltale sign of economic turmoil. Keeping an eye on consumer prices, particularly essential goods and services, can provide insights into the state of the economy.

Being cognizant of these signs can help individuals make informed financial decisions and take appropriate action to safeguard their financial well-being. Recognizing early warning signs allows for proactive measures to ride out the storm.

It's crucial to remember that understanding the signs of economic turmoil is just the first step. In the next section, we will explore a step-by-step guide to navigating through a financial crisis, which will provide practical strategies and tips to weather the storm.

Step-by-step Guide to Navigating a Financial Crisis

Financial crises can be overwhelming and stressful, but it's important to remember that you are not alone. Many people have faced similar challenges and have come out stronger on the other side. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you navigate through a financial crisis:

1. Assess the Situation

The first step in handling a financial crisis is to assess the situation. Take a detailed look at your income, expenses, and debts. Understanding your financial standing will help you make informed decisions moving forward. As Dave Ramsey once said, "A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went."

2. Prioritize Expenses

During a financial crisis, it's crucial to prioritize your expenses. Start by covering your basic needs such as food, shelter, and utilities. Cut back on discretionary expenses and focus on what is essential. Remember, it's only temporary, and you can resume these expenses once your financial situation improves.

3. Communicate with Creditors

If you're struggling to pay your bills or repay your debts, it's important to reach out to your creditors. Many creditors have provisions in place to help individuals facing financial hardships. Communicating with them can potentially lead to modified payment plans or temporary relief. As bestselling author Suze Orman once said, "You can negotiate with your creditors or get help to do it for you. You have the power. You just need to know how to use it."

4. Explore Government Programs and Assistance

During times of economic turmoil, governments often provide support programs and assistance for individuals facing financial crises. Research and explore these options to see if you qualify for any programs that could temporarily alleviate your financial burdens. It's important to note that these programs may have specific eligibility criteria.

5. Look for Additional Sources of Income

If your current income is not sufficient to cover your expenses, consider looking for additional sources of income. This could include taking on a part-time job, freelancing, or starting a small side business. Expanding your income stream can provide some financial stability during a crisis.

6. Reevaluate and Adjust your Budget

In times of crisis, it's essential to reevaluate and adjust your budget. Look for areas where you can cut back further and identify ways to save more. This might involve reducing entertainment expenses, eating out less, or finding cheaper alternatives for your daily expenses. Remember, every dollar saved counts.

7. Stay Positive and Seek Emotional Support

Dealing with a financial crisis can take a toll on your emotional well-being. It's crucial to stay positive and seek emotional support from friends, family, or support groups. Remember that this is a temporary setback, and with time, dedication, and resourcefulness, you can overcome it.

Navigating a financial crisis is challenging, but with the right approach and mindset, you can overcome it. Remember, as Warren Buffett once said, "Opportunities come infrequently. When it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble."

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Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

Personal Financial Management in Times of Crisis

During times of economic turbulence, it is crucial to prioritize your personal financial management. The uncertainty brought about by a financial crisis can be overwhelming, but with the right approach, you can navigate through these challenging times more effectively. Here are some key strategies to help you manage your finances during a crisis.

1. Assess your current financial situation

The first step in personal financial management during a crisis is to assess your current financial situation. Take a close look at your income, expenses, and debt. Understand where you stand financially, and identify areas where you can make adjustments to ensure a more secure future. As author Dave Ramsey once said, "A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went."

2. Prioritize essential expenses

In times of crisis, it becomes even more important to prioritize your expenses. Focus on covering essential needs such as food, shelter, utilities, and healthcare. Take a careful look at discretionary spending and consider cutting back on non-essential items. Remember, being frugal is not a sign of weakness but a smart move to secure your financial well-being.

3. Explore additional sources of income

In uncertain times, it is wise to explore additional sources of income. Consider leveraging your skills and talents to pursue freelancing opportunities or part-time work. This can provide you with an extra income stream to help cover expenses and build your financial stability. As entrepreneur and author Robert Kiyosaki suggests, "Financial freedom is available to those who learn about it and work for it."

4. Protect your credit score

Maintaining a good credit score is essential during a financial crisis. Your credit score can impact future loan applications, interest rates, and even job prospects. Be diligent in paying bills on time, keeping credit card balances low, and avoiding unnecessary debt. Safeguarding your creditworthiness will help you weather the storm and position yourself for a brighter financial future.

5. Seek financial advice and assistance

Don't hesitate to seek professional help if you find yourself overwhelmed by the complexities of personal financial management during a crisis. A financial adviser can provide valuable guidance tailored to your specific circumstances, helping you make informed decisions and develop a solid plan for the future. As financial expert Suze Orman advises, "The only way you will ever permanently take control of your financial life is to dig deep and fix the root problem."

6. Take care of your emotional well-being

Managing personal finances during a crisis can take a toll on your emotional well-being. It is essential to prioritize self-care and find healthy ways to cope with stress. Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, seek support from loved ones, and stay optimistic about the future. Remember, your mental and emotional well-being is just as important as your financial health.

By implementing these strategies, you can take proactive steps towards personal financial management in times of crisis. Remember that you are not alone in facing these challenges, and with a resilient mindset and prudent financial decisions, you can emerge stronger on the other side.

Creating an Emergency Fund: Your Financial Safety Net

During times of economic turmoil, it is crucial to have a financial safety net in place to protect yourself and your loved ones. One of the best ways to do this is by creating an emergency fund. An emergency fund is a pool of money set aside specifically for unexpected expenses or a financial crisis. It acts as a cushion to help you weather any storm that comes your way.

Why You Need an Emergency Fund

Life is unpredictable, and financial emergencies can happen to anyone. Whether it's a sudden job loss, a medical emergency, or a major home repair, these unexpected expenses can quickly derail your financial stability. Without a safety net in place, you may be forced to rely on credit cards or take out loans, which can lead to financial stress and debt that lingers long after the crisis has passed.

Having an emergency fund gives you peace of mind and financial security. It allows you to handle unexpected expenses without incurring high-interest debt or depleting your savings earmarked for other goals. As renowned personal finance expert Suze Orman puts it, "An emergency fund is essential because you never know what's going to happen. You want to have a security blanket, something that you know is there for you".

How to Build an Emergency Fund

Building an emergency fund should be one of your top financial priorities. Here are some steps to get you started:

  1. Set a realistic savings goal: Determine how much you need in your emergency fund. Financial experts typically suggest saving three to six months' worth of living expenses. Start with a smaller goal, like $500 or $1,000, and then work your way up.

  2. Make saving automatic: Set up an automatic transfer from your checking account to a separate savings account dedicated to your emergency fund. Treat it like any other bill or expense, making regular contributions without fail.

  3. Cut unnecessary expenses: Look for ways to trim your budget and redirect that money towards your emergency fund. It may mean temporarily cutting back on non-essential items or finding creative ways to save on everyday expenses.

  4. Increase your income: Consider taking on a side gig or freelancing to generate extra income that can go towards your emergency fund. Every little bit helps, and the more you can save, the faster your fund will grow.

  5. Resist temptation: It's essential to stay disciplined and avoid using your emergency fund for non-emergency expenses. Remember, this is your financial safety net, and dipping into it can leave you vulnerable during a crisis.

Keeping Your Emergency Fund Safe

Once you have built your emergency fund, it's essential to keep it safe and easily accessible. Consider these tips:

  1. Choose the right savings account: Look for a savings account that offers a competitive interest rate and no fees. Online banks often provide higher interest rates compared to traditional brick-and-mortar banks.

  2. Have easy access to your funds: While you want to keep your emergency fund separate from your daily spending accounts, make sure it is still easily accessible when you need it. Opt for a savings account that allows you to withdraw funds quickly.

  3. Protect your emergency fund: Treat your emergency fund as a sacred reserve and resist the urge to dip into it for non-emergency purposes. Make it a habit to replenish the fund as soon as you use any part of it.

In times of economic turmoil, an emergency fund can provide much-needed financial stability and peace of mind. It serves as a safety net to protect you and your loved ones from unexpected expenses and financial crises. So start building your emergency fund today and take control of your financial future.

"The best time to create an emergency fund is yesterday. The second-best time is today." - Unknown

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Photo by Andre Taissin on Unsplash

Savings and Investment Strategies for Economic Downturns

During challenging economic times, it is crucial to implement effective savings and investment strategies to protect your finances and weather the storm. As the saying goes, "The best time to start saving is today." So, let's dive into some practical tips that can make a significant difference in the face of an economic downturn.

1. Diversify Your Investments

Diversification is a key strategy to minimize risk in your investment portfolio. By spreading your investments across different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities, you can protect yourself from the volatility of any single sector. As Warren Buffett once wisely said, "Do not put all eggs in one basket."

2. Focus on Long-Term Investments

In times of economic turmoil, it's essential to maintain a long-term perspective. While short-term market fluctuations may create unease, remember that history has shown that markets tend to recover in the long run. As renowned investor Peter Lynch emphasized, "The real key to making money in stocks is not to get scared out of them."

3. Maximize Tax-Advantaged Accounts

Take full advantage of tax-advantaged accounts, such as Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) and 401(k)s. These accounts provide tax benefits and can help you grow your retirement savings while reducing your current taxable income. As Dave Ramsey advises, "Invest at least 15% of your gross income into tax-advantaged retirement accounts."

4. Build an Emergency Fund

During economic downturns, having a robust emergency fund becomes even more critical. Aim to save at least three to six months' worth of living expenses in a readily accessible account. This fund will provide a safety net to cover unexpected expenses or a sudden loss of income. As Suze Orman says, "An emergency fund is your strength during life's toughest storms."

5. Consider Low-Risk Investments

In times of economic uncertainty, it may be prudent to shift a portion of your portfolio towards low-risk investments. Consider Treasury bills, certificates of deposit (CDs), and high-quality government or corporate bonds. These investments may provide stability and a reliable income stream. Benjamin Graham famously said, "The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything but the value of nothing."

6. Cut Back on Non-Essential Expenses

During an economic downturn, it's essential to evaluate your spending habits closely. Look for ways to cut back on non-essential expenses and focus on essential needs. Take the time to review your monthly budget and identify areas where you can make adjustments. Remember, every dollar saved can contribute to your financial resilience.

7. Stay Informed and Seek Professional Advice

Stay informed about current market trends and seek professional advice to make informed financial decisions. Consult with a trusted financial advisor who can guide you through the complexities of investing and help you stay on track towards your financial goals.

In conclusion, economic downturns may create challenges, but they also present opportunities. By implementing these savings and investment strategies, you can position yourself for financial success in the face of hardship. Remember the wise words of John D. Rockefeller, "Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It's to see my dividends coming in." So, start saving and investing today to secure a brighter financial future, regardless of the economic climate.

Reducing Expenses and Debt During Financial Crises

In times of financial crisis, it becomes crucial to take proactive steps to reduce expenses and manage debt effectively. By making smart financial decisions and prioritizing your spending, you can navigate through economic turmoil with greater confidence. Here are some practical strategies to help you reduce expenses and debt during financial crises.

1. Budgeting and Prioritizing

The first step to reducing expenses and managing debt is to create a comprehensive budget. This will help you understand your income and expenses, allowing you to identify areas where you can cut back. Start by listing all your sources of income and categorize your expenses into essential and non-essential items.

According to renowned financial author Dave Ramsey, "A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went."

Once you have your budget in place, focus on prioritizing essential expenses such as food, housing, utilities, and transportation. Consider cutting back on discretionary items like dining out, entertainment, and non-essential subscriptions. It may be challenging to make these adjustments, but remember that temporary sacrifices will pave the way for more stability in the long run.

2. Negotiating with Creditors

During a financial crisis, reaching out to your creditors and discussing your situation can be a wise move. Many creditors are willing to work with you to find alternative solutions to keep you on track with your debt payments. You may be able to negotiate lower interest rates, extended payment terms, or even a temporary suspension of payments.

According to financial expert Suze Orman, "The key to successful debt negotiation is to approach the conversation with a proactive mindset and a willingness to find a mutually beneficial solution."

Be proactive and take the initiative to contact your creditors. Explain your financial situation honestly and present your proposed solutions. By demonstrating your commitment to resolving your debts, you increase your chances of reaching a favorable agreement.

3. Minimizing Monthly Expenses

Reducing your monthly expenses is a crucial step in managing a financial crisis. Look for ways to cut costs on your regular bills and expenditures. Consider renegotiating your insurance premiums, internet and cable bills, and utility services. Explore options for bundling services or switching to more cost-effective providers.

Additionally, evaluate your spending habits and identify areas where you can make significant savings. This could include packing lunches instead of eating out, shopping for groceries strategically, or finding free or lower-cost recreational activities.

4. Exploring Additional Sources of Income

During times of financial crisis, it might be necessary to explore additional sources of income to supplement your earnings. Consider taking on a part-time job, freelancing, or starting a small business to generate extra cash flow. These additional sources of income can help you cover your expenses and make progress towards paying off debt.

Although navigating through a financial crisis may feel overwhelming, taking control of your finances and implementing strategies to reduce expenses and manage debt can make a significant difference. By creating a budget, negotiating with creditors, minimizing monthly expenses, and exploring additional sources of income, you are taking proactive steps towards financial stability.

Remember the words of financial strategist, Robert Kiyosaki, "It's not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for." Stay positive, be proactive, and seek professional guidance when needed to navigate successfully through economic turmoil.

Seek Professional Help: When to Consult a Financial Adviser

Seeking professional help is an important step in navigating through a financial crisis. While it's admirable to try and handle your finances on your own, there comes a point when the complexity of the situation may require the expertise of a financial adviser.

When should you consider consulting a financial adviser? Here are a few scenarios where seeking professional help can make a significant difference in your financial well-being:

  1. Overwhelming debt: If you find yourself drowning in debt and struggling to make ends meet, a financial adviser can help you devise a plan to manage and reduce your debt. They can provide guidance on debt consolidation, negotiation with creditors, and budgeting strategies to regain control of your financial situation.

  2. Investment decisions: Investing during a financial crisis can be challenging, especially when the markets are volatile. A financial adviser can offer valuable insights and help you make informed investment decisions based on your risk tolerance and long-term goals. They can help you rebalance your investment portfolio to ensure it aligns with your changing financial circumstances.

  3. Retirement planning: If a financial crisis has affected your retirement savings, consulting a financial adviser is crucial. They can assess your current retirement strategy, suggest adjustments, and help you create a new plan to get back on track. A well-informed adviser will have a deep understanding of the best retirement vehicles, tax implications, and strategies to maximize your savings.

  4. Complex financial situations: Sometimes, financial crises involve intricate circumstances that require specialized knowledge. For instance, if you are facing bankruptcy, divorce, or inheritance issues, a financial adviser can provide invaluable guidance to navigate these complex situations while minimizing financial damage.

Remember, seeking help from a financial adviser does not imply that you are incapable or inferior. It merely shows your commitment to improving your financial situation and creating a secure future for yourself and your loved ones.

As Suze Orman, a renowned financial expert, once said, "A financial adviser is your planning partner. They help you navigate all of life's ups and downs and create a plan for your future."

So, if you find yourself overwhelmed, confused, or unsure about the best course of action during a financial crisis, don't hesitate to reach out to a trusted financial adviser. Their expertise and guidance can help you make sound financial decisions that will lead you toward stability and a brighter future.

Emotional Well-Being During a Financial Crisis

During a financial crisis, it's natural to feel overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed. The uncertainty of the situation can take a toll on your emotional well-being. It's important to remember that you are not alone in these feelings, and there are steps you can take to maintain a sense of balance and peace of mind.

Acknowledge Your Emotions

First and foremost, it's essential to acknowledge and validate your emotions. It's okay to feel scared, angry, or frustrated during a financial crisis. Ignoring or suppressing these emotions will only lead to further stress. Recognize that these emotions are normal and a natural response to the situation.

As financial expert Suze Orman once said, "You can't heal what you don't acknowledge". By acknowledging and accepting your emotions, you can begin to move forward and find ways to cope with them.

Practice Self-Care

Taking care of your physical and mental health is crucial during a financial crisis. Engaging in self-care activities can help reduce stress levels and improve your overall well-being. This could include activities such as exercise, meditation, getting enough sleep, and spending time with loved ones.

Psychologist Burnout expert Christina Maslach states, "Self-care is critical to surviving and thriving in emotionally demanding situations". Remember, taking care of yourself is not a luxury but a necessity, especially during challenging times.

Seek Support

One of the most powerful ways to navigate through a financial crisis is by seeking support from others. Talk to your loved ones, friends, or a support group about your concerns and fears. Sharing your thoughts and feelings can provide a sense of relief and offer a different perspective on the situation.

A survey done by psychologist Daniel Goleman on emotional intelligence showed that "social support can act as a buffer against the negative effects of stress". Don't hesitate to lean on those around you for support during these difficult times.

Focus on What You Can Control

In times of financial crisis, it's easy to dwell on what you cannot control. Instead, shift your focus to what you can control. Take proactive steps to manage your finances, such as creating a budget, cutting unnecessary expenses, and exploring new sources of income.

Financial advisor Dave Ramsey advises, "The truth is, we don't know what will happen in the economy, but we can control our actions". By taking control of your financial situation, you'll feel empowered and more prepared to face the challenges ahead.

Practice Gratitude

When facing a financial crisis, it's essential to shift your focus from what you don't have to what you do have. Practicing gratitude can help you find peace and contentment amidst the chaos. Take a moment each day to reflect on the things you are grateful for, whether it's your health, family, or a supportive community.

As gratitude researcher Robert Emmons explains, "Gratitude blocks toxic emotions such as envy, resentment, regret, and depression". Cultivating a sense of gratitude can bring about a positive mindset and improve your overall outlook on life.

Navigating a financial crisis can be emotionally challenging, but by acknowledging your emotions, practicing self-care, seeking support, focusing on what you can control, and cultivating gratitude, you can maintain your emotional well-being during these difficult times.

Remember the words of American author Corrie Ten Boom, "Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows; it empties today of its strength". Stay strong, take one step at a time, and remember that you have the resilience to overcome any financial crisis.

silhouette of trees near body of water during sunset
Photo by Jeremy Kwok on Unsplash


It is also important to recognize the impact of a financial crisis on one's emotional well-being. As mentioned earlier, financial stress can take a toll on mental health and overall well-being. This is a sentiment echoed by Neal Gabler, an American author who experienced his own financial crisis, who said, "Money, or the lack thereof, affects almost everything in our lives, from how we live, where we live, and what we can and can't do." It is crucial to prioritize self-care during these challenging times and seek support from loved ones or professionals if needed.

In conclusion, a financial crisis can be overwhelming, but with the right knowledge and strategies, individuals can navigate through economic turmoil. By being proactive in managing personal finances, creating a financial safety net, and prioritizing emotional well-being, individuals can emerge stronger and more resilient. As Elle Emily, a personal finance blogger, wisely said, "A financial crisis can push us to our limits, but it can also be an opportunity for growth and financial transformation."

1Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff, This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly (2009).
2Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway Shareholder Letter (2002).
3Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway Shareholder Letter (2016)
4Dave Ramsey, Financial Peace (1992)
5Suze Orman, The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke (2005)
6Warren Buffett, Business Adventures (1969)
7Dave Ramsey, "The Total Money Makeover" (2013)
8Suze Orman, "The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke" (2005)
9Jean Chatzky, "Women with Money: The Judgement-Free Guide to Creating the Joyful, Less Stressed, Purposeful (and, Yes, Rich) Life You Deserve" (2019)
11Benjamin Graham, The Intelligent Investor (1949)
12Peter Lynch, One Up on Wall Street (1989)
13Dave Ramsey, The Total Money Makeover (2003)
14Suze Orman, The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke (2005)
15Benjamin Graham, The Intelligent Investor (1949)
16John D. Rockefeller, As quoted in The World's Richest Man (1907) by Robert T. Hill
17Dave Ramsey, "Financial Peace" (1992)
18Suze Orman, "The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke" (2005)
19Robert T. Kiyosaki, "Rich Dad Poor Dad" (1997)
20Dave Ramsey, "Complete Guide to Money" (2012).
21Suze Orman, "The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke" (2005).
22Benjamin Graham and David Dodd, "Security Analysis" (1934).
23Jane Bryant Quinn, "How to Make Your Money Last" (2016).
24Larry Swedroe and Kevin Grogan, "Reducing the Risk of Black Swans" (2018).
25Eric Tyson, "Personal Finance For Dummies" (2020).
26Suze Orman, "Women & Money: Owning the Power to Control Your Destiny" (2007).
27Suze Orman, The Courage to Be Rich (1999)
28Suze Orman, The Courage to Be Rich (1999)
29American Psychological Association, "Building Resilience for Tough Times" (2009)
30Christina Maslach, "Burnout: The Cost of Caring" (1982)
31Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence (1995)
32Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence (1995)
33Dave Ramsey, The Total Money Makeover (2003)
34Dave Ramsey, The Total Money Makeover (2003)
35Robert Emmons, Thanks! (2007)
36Robert Emmons, Thanks! (2007)
37Corrie ten Boom, The Hiding Place (1971)